Copper Water Jug-Handmade Plain Design 1.5 Litre


The exceptional quality, beautiful and unique Copper water jug is made of pure copper. Drinking water stored in
the copper jug is strongly recommended by science and Ayurveda because water stored in a copper jug is loaded with
anti-oxidants. Just fill this bottle and leave it for a minimum of 3 hours, best if kept overnight as the water gets copper
properties and its benefits during this time.

Copper kills undesirable bacteria and viruses and gets water charged with the health benefiting qualities of copper. It is
recommended to drink the water at room temperature. Experts say that drinking from a copper water jug on a regular basis,
especially early in the morning, can make a significant difference to health.


* Copper increases energy production.
* Copper mitigates the risk of cancer.
* Copper helps to lose weight.
* Copper has anti-ageing properties.
* Copper protects you from infections.
* Copper regulates a healthy menstrual cycle.
* Copper regulating obesity.
* Copper regulates thyroid glands.
* Copper maintains digestive health.

Copper regulates the skin health, hair and eyes, so leave all that recycled, toxic, hazardous plastic and pet bottles and start
enjoying the health benefits of your own copper water bottle.




Copper Water Jug-Handmade Plain Design 1.5 Litre